Tuesday, February 16, 2010

At home relaxing

Nowadays when I get a chance to rest between my projects and work I need to be confortable and also ying yang dressed. 
Here are some home photos with my homewear of the moment, all from Oysho and my home crocs.
I am reading Parqmag february edition, definitely a  really good magazin to follow.
Please give more suggestions.




  1. Ola Tania

    Deveria escrever em Portugues ao fim de contas temos que ser mais Nacionalistas, so faz bem a todas inclusive a economia ;)
    Entendo bem essa forma de viver os DSomingos/Feriados, eu tambem quase iberno, rodeio-me de agua, revistas e jornais, comando , movel e portatil e la fico eu horas seguidas no relax...a unica forma de nesses dias alguma comunicar comigo é mesmo virtualmente .
    Comprei hoje a Elle Portuguesa, gostei imenso!

    Pedro C.

  2. Estavas assim tão relax a frente das camaras?? hmmm Vamos lá ser sinceras... :P You know that sometimes those are simply my favourite days! But in the other hand my clothes are merchandising t-shirts and my brothers shorts :p

